Priscu Stream flows into the east end of the east lobe of Lake Bonney and is the only second order stream in the study. It receives flow from the LaCroix Glacier on the north side of the Taylor Valley and from the Sollas Glacier on the south side of the valley (via Bohner Stream). It flows through Spiegel Pond. The channel is broad and sandy. At lowflow a small meandering channel carries the flow, but highflow fills the entire channel. Substantial reconfiguration of the streambed occurs at this site. The gauge at Priscu Stream is located about 120 m upstream from the lake. The streambed here is wide, flat, and sandy. During highflow there is active movement of sediment in this reach. Stream length: 3.8 km.
Environmental data
Hydrological, biological, chemical, and physical property measurements have been made for a number of McMurdo Dry Valley streams and lakes.
See: LTER Data
Diatom taxa found in
Priscu Stream
- Achnanthes taylorensis
- Chamaepinnularia deltaica
- Chamaepinnularia quaternaria
- Craticula molestiformis
- Fistulifera pelliculosa
- Hantzschia abundans
- Hantzschia amphioxys
- Hantzschia amphioxys f. muelleri
- Hantzschia hyperaustralis
- Humidophila arcuata
- Humidophila arcuata var. parallela
- Humidophila australis
- Luticola austroatlantica
- Luticola dolia
- Luticola gaussii
- Luticola laeta
- Luticola mcknightiae
- Luticola mutica
- Luticola muticopsis
- Luticola permuticopsis
- Mayamaea atomus
- Mayamaea atomus fo. permitis
- Mayamaea atomus var. #1
- Muelleria meridionalis
- Muelleria peraustralis
- Navicula shackletoni
- Nitzschia australocommutata
- Nitzschia westiorum
- Psammothidium papilio
- Stauroneis latistauros
Priscu Stream, Taylor Valley
See: Overview maps
Priscu stream. View looking downstream toward Lake Bonney?? 2002. Photo: Chris Jaros.