Huey Creek drains a small glacier that lies in a steep-sided hollow. In the upper stream reaches, the gradient is steep, with high banks subject to erosion during peak flows. In the lower 2 km the gradient is shallow, the stream-bed is wide and braided, and the banks are more gently sloping. Stream length: 2.1 km.
Environmental data
Hydrological, biological, chemical, and physical property measurements have been made for a number of McMurdo Dry Valley streams and lakes.
See: LTER Data
Diatom taxa found in
Huey Creek
- Chamaepinnularia cymatopleura
- Craticula molestiformis
- Hantzschia abundans
- Hantzschia amphioxys
- Hantzschia amphioxys f. muelleri
- Hantzschia hyperaustralis
- Humidophila arcuata
- Humidophila arcuata var. parallela
- Humidophila australis
- Luticola austroatlantica
- Luticola bradyi
- Luticola dolia
- Luticola gaussii
- Luticola laeta
- Luticola mcknightiae
- Luticola murrayi
- Luticola mutica
- Luticola muticopsis
- Luticola permuticopsis
- Luticola transantarctica
- Mayamaea atomus var. #1
- Muelleria cryoconicola
- Muelleria meridionalis
- Muelleria peraustralis
- Muelleria supra
- Navicula gregaria
- Navicula seibigiana
- Navicula shackletoni
- Nitzschia australocommutata
- Nitzschia westiorum
- Pinnularia borealis
- Psammothidium papilio
- Stauroneis latistauros
Huey Creek, Taylor Valley.
See: Overview maps
Peter Conovitz shoveling snow at the Huey Creek gauge. 2000. Photo: Chris Jaros.