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Observations: | Tyler Kohler |
Length: | 26-77 µm |
Width: | 5-9 µm |
Striae: | 26-30 in 10 µm |
Valves linear to linear-elliptic with rounded, slightly rostrate ends. Central area a narrow, transverse fascia, extending to the valve margins. Raphe straight and simple; elevated on a raphe ridge Striae slightly radial in the center; slightly convergent at the ends.
Morphology: | Naviculoid |
Distribution: | Antarctic endemic |
This taxon has been listed on this website as Tropodoneis laevissima West & West, Stauroneis contricta Ehrenberg, Stauronella constricta (Ehrenberg) Mereschkowsky and, now, Craspedostauros laevissimus (West & West) Sabbe. Across all of these changes, the taxon ID number (80) has remained the same.
McMurdo Dry Valleys Waterbodies with Craspedostauros laevissiumus
- Aiken Creek
- Blue Lake
- Bowles Creek
- Clear Lake
- Coast Lake
- Commonwealth Glacier
- Delta Stream
- Green Creek
- Green Lake
- Harnish Creek Tributary
- Lake Fryxell
- Lost Seal Stream
- McMurdo Hut Ridge
- Pond by Blue Lake
- Pond by Clear Lake
- Pond North of Rookery
- Pony Lake
- Spaulding Pond
Original Type Description
Author: | West & West 1911 |
Length: | 49-98 µm |
Width: | 8-9.5 µm |
Striae: |
Original Description:
T. parva, delicatissima et laevissima; valvis oblongo-liearis, diametro 8-11 plo longioribus, in parte mediana marginibus parallelibus, apices versus leviter et gradatim angustioribus, polis obtuse rotundatis raphe recta sed juxta plos levissime curvata nodulo centrali in staurum transversum producto, stauro angustissimo plerumqu valvae margines versus paullulo dilatao, alis (vel carinis) carentibus, striis non visi.s Cellula in aspectu cingulato anguste oblong-rectangulari, medio constricta, lateribus convexis et angulis rotundatis.
New combination
Author: | Sabbe 2003 |
Index Nominum Algarum (INA):
- Original
- If an INA link is available, it will be shown above
- The INA is a bibliographic reference "card file" for algal taxonomy, containing nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense).
Publications (by year):
- Ehrenberg 1877. Month. Micr. J. 18: 174. [citation 34(11)]
- Mereschkowsky 1901. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 7,8:430. [citation 85(70)]
- Cox 1999 [citation 141(142)]
- Sabbe et al. 2003 pg. 235, Figs. 33-37, 84, 85 [citation 135(141)]