Morphotype 3 cf. F. cap. var. gracilis

Taxon ID: 153
Author: Oestrup    
Synonym: Synedra rumpens var. familiaris, Synedra famelica, (?) Fragilaria vaucheriae var. longissima, (?) Fragilaria vaucheriae. var.



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Observations: Bart Van de Vijver
Length: 47,3-93µm
Width: 2,0-3,6µm


Valves linear with capitate ends. These are the longest and most narrow capucina-valves that are recorded in the Crozet population (L 47,3-93µm (mean 65,1µm), W 2,0-3,6µm (mean 2,6µm), mean L/W ratio 26,4). Most of the valves possess a typical central sternum expansion to (rarely) one or (mostly) both sides.

Morphology: Araphid




Common, but locally, in all kinds of freshwater habitats (both standing & running). pH-optimum 6,8.Uncertain due to the confusion within Synedra rumpens var. familiaris that probably is only a synonym of morphotype 3.Based purely on valve outline and structure of the central striation interruption, this morphotype shows high similarities with Fragilaria vaucheriae var. tenuis Manguin and var. longissima Manguin that might be considered as synonyms of morphotype 3.



Other sites with Morphotype 3 cf. F. cap. var. gracilis

  • Ile de la Possession (moist habitats), Crozet Archipelago

Original Type Description

Author: Oestrup

Original Description:


New combination

Author: Hustedt 1991



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  • If an INA link is available, it will be shown above
  • The INA is a bibliographic reference "card file" for algal taxonomy, containing nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense).

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