Pinnularia bottnica

Taxon ID: 219
Author: Krammer 2000   
Synonym: Pinnularia lundii var. baltica



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Observations: Bart Van de Vijver
Length: 26-47µm
Width: 8,5-10µm
Striae: 13-15 striae in 10µm


Valves broadly elliptical-lanceolate with convex sides and broadly rounded, sometimes protracted, ends (L 26-47µm, W 8,5-10µm, 13-15 striae in 10µm). Axial area narrow, slightly linear-lanceolate, widening towards the middle. Central area a broad fascia, enlarging towards the valve margins. Raphe filiform, weakly curved with clearly enlarged central pores. The terminal fissures are strongly hooked. Transapical striae weakly radiate and even sinuous in the middle, more and more convergent towards the apices. No longitudinal lines.

Morphology: Naviculoid




Locally common in coastal pools, influenced by sea-spray, especially in the area of Baie Lapérouse. In soils with higher salinity and nutrient values more common.Kerguelen (as P. kolbei but fig.53 is clearly P. bottnica) (Le Cohu & Maillard 1986).The Crozet population is slightly larger, but narrower than the typical species as described in Krammer (2000). Still we believe that there are enough points of similarity to include this population in P. bottnica.



Other sites with Pinnularia bottnica

  • Ile de la Possession (moist habitats), Crozet Archipelago

Original Type Description

Author: Krammer 2000

Original Description:


New combination




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  • If an INA link is available, it will be shown above
  • The INA is a bibliographic reference "card file" for algal taxonomy, containing nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense).

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