Neidium aubertii

Taxon ID: 193
Author: Manguin 1954   



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Observations: Bart Van de Vijver
Length: 42-64µm
Width: 8-10µm
Striae: 24-28 striae in 10µm


Valves linear-lanceolate to clearly lanceolate with broadly (sometimes cuneately) rounded apices (L 42-64µm, W 8-10µm, 24-28 striae in 10µm). Axial area fairly narrow, linear-lanceolate. Central area transapically elongated, rectangular to elliptical, not reaching the longitudinal canals. Raphe straight, filiform. Central endings hooked into opposite directions. Distal endings bifurcated. Longitudinal canals on the valve face, clearly visible in LM. Transapical striae parallel to slightly radiate in the middle, convergent near the poles.

Morphology: Naviculoid




Commonly recorded from moss and water samples but only in low abundances (<4%). Seems to prefer small acid pools and lakes with low specific conductance and nutrient values. In mosses present in wet conditions (mean F-value 3,7±1,7).Kerguelen (Bourrelly & Manguin 1954, Larson 1974, Le Cohu & Maillard 1986, Van de Vijver et al. 1998a, 2001).Closely resembles Neidium bisulcatum Cleve and might even be conspecific. Based on a more lanceolate outline separated as a distinct species. Further SEM-research should clarify their relationship and the taxonomical position of N. aubertii.



Other sites with Neidium aubertii

  • Ile de la Possession (moist habitats), Crozet Archipelago

Original Type Description

Author: Manguin 1954

Original Description:


New combination




Index Nominum Algarum (INA):

  • Original
  • If an INA link is available, it will be shown above
  • The INA is a bibliographic reference "card file" for algal taxonomy, containing nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense).

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