Muelleria tumida

Taxon ID: 102
Author: Van de Vijver & Spaulding 2009   
Basionym: Muelleria tumida



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Observations: Bart Van de Vijver
Length: 23-35 µm
Width: 7-9 µm
Striae: Central: 16-18, Distal: 18-21 in 10 µm


Valves elliptical-lanceolate with clearly convex margins and rostrate to capitate apices. Valve length 23-35 µm, valve width 7-9 µm. Axial area narrow, linear to linear-lanceolate, slightly widening to form a small central area. Raphe filiform, straight with proximal endings deflected at an angle of approximately 45°. Proximal endings never extending into the first row of areolae but rather short and terminating in the central area. Distally, raphe divergent and deflected towards the same side as the proximal endings. Striae near the central area more spaced and clearly more radiate than the distant, slightly radiate to even parallel striae. Central striae16-18 in 10 µm and distal striae 18-21 in 10 µm. Striae composed of widely spaced, rounded areolae. Areolae bordering the axial area clearly enlarged except near the central area, forming distinct ‘holes’. Due to these larger holes, canal puncta impossible to distinguish. Internal structure of the valves, including the structure of the longitudinal canal and the central nodule could not be examined since no observations of the internal view could be made due to the extreme rarity of the species in the samples.

Morphology: Naviculoid




Although observations on the internal structure are lacking, it is still possible to separate Muelleria tumida from other Muelleria species. Muelleria tumida presents a unique valve outline within the genus Muelleria. Muelleria meridionalis is similar in outline but has a much more gibbous center, with less capitate apices. Moreover, the species differs by its non-divergent distal raphe endings and the presence of two enlarged areolae near the distal raphe endings. A similar areolae shape and size is only found in M. varipunctata, although the largest areolae are found in this species in the middle rows since very small areolae border the axial area. The latter are absent in M. tumida.



Other sites with Muelleria tumida

  • Livingston Island (soil), Livingston Island
  • Pools (moist habitats), King George Island

Original Type Description

Author: Van de Vijver & Spaulding 2009
Length: 23-35 µm
Width: 7-9 µm
Striae: Central: 16-18, Distal: 18-21 in 10 µm

Original Description:

Valvae ellipticae-lanceolatae marginibus claro convexis apicibusque rostratis ad capitatos. Longitudo 23-35 µm, latitudo 7-9 µm. Area axialis angusta, linearis ad linearem-lanceolatam, leviter dilatans ad aream centralem parvam. Raphe filiformis, recta terminationibus proximalibus deflexis ad angulum circiter 45°. Terminationes proximales numquam extensi in seriem unam areolarum sed potius breves, terminantes in area centrale. Distaliter, raphe divergens. Striae centrales distantiores, manifeste radiatiores. Striae distantes leviter radiatae ad paena parallellas ad polos. Striae, 16-18 µm ad centrum, 18-21 in 10µm ad polos. Areolae affines raphem magis dilatatae. Puncta canalis vix distinctae.


New combination




Index Nominum Algarum (INA):

  • Original
  • New Combination
  • If an INA link is available, it will be shown above
  • The INA is a bibliographic reference "card file" for algal taxonomy, containing nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense).

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