Muelleria lototskayae

Taxon ID: 99
Author: Van de Vijver & Spaulding 2009   
Basionym: Muelleria lototskayae



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Observations: Bart Van de Vijver
Length: 34-52 µm
Width: 7-9 µm
Striae: Central: 12-15, distal: 19-22 in 10 µm


Valves linear with a very slightly gibbous center and narrowly rounded apices. Valve face/mantle margin forming a broadly rounded edge followed by a well-developed mantle. Valve length 34-52 µm, valve width 7-9 µm. Axial area narrow and linear and widening to form a rounded to elliptical central area with a rectelevatum. Raphe linear with the proximal raphe ends clearly separated, unilaterally bent, forming a distinctly broad angle (between 45° and 90° from the central axis). Following the deflection, proximal ends rather straight and extending past the first three rows of areolae. External distal raphe deflected at the valve mantle to the same valve side as the proximal endings with curved, clearly divergent terminal fissures. Striae near the central area (5-7 striae) more spaced than the other striae and radiate whereas the other striae, more distant from the central area, only slightly radiate to parallel. Central striae 12-15 in 10 µm, distal striae 19-22 in 10 µm. Striae composed of transapically elongated areolae. Areolae never rounded nor apically elongated. Throughout the entire valve, areolae similar in size and shape and regularly spaced in both apical and transapical axes. Areolae bordering the raphe ends slightly larger and longer. Near the distal raphe ends, two canal puncta visible. Internally, areolae occluded by vela. Centrally, longitudinal canal broad and becoming rib-like distally terminating at the helictoglossa. No perforations to the longitudinal canal observed.

Morphology: Naviculoid




Muelleria lototskayae closely resembles M. algida Spaulding & Kociolek and M. luculenta Spaulding & Kociolek. Although there is an overlap between the three species in number of striae (both central and distal), the three species can be easily separated based on the shape and size of the areolae. M. algida clearly possesses small, circular areolae, M. luculenta has apically and transapically elongated areolae whereas M. lototskayae has only clearly transapically elongated areolae. This difference in areola shape is even well discernible in LM. The striae in M. lototskayae are coarser in appearance than the other two species. Moreover, M. algida has typically enlarged, rounded areolae near the distal raphe ends, a feature almost completely absent from the two other species. M. algida also shows a distal perforated chamber, absent in the other two species. M. luculenta tends to have larger valve dimensions compared to M. lototskayae (valve length 23-82 vs. 34- 52 µm). The central area in M. luculenta is smaller and broadly oval whereas M. lototskayae has a larger, typically rounded to only very slightly elliptical central area. The first row of areolae bordering the axial area in M. luculenta is separated from the other areolae by a narrow, though clearly visible (even in LM) hyaline area, a feature not observed in M. lototskayae. Other species with similar combinations of characters are not known. Therefore, M. lototoskaya should be distinguished as a separate species.



Other sites with Muelleria lototskayae

  • Cave (moss), Heard Island

Original Type Description

Author: Van de Vijver & Spaulding 2009
Length: 34-52 µm
Width: 7-9 µm
Striae: Central: 12-15, distal: 19-22 in 10 µm

Original Description:

Valvae lineares marginibus leviter gibbosis apicibusque rotundatis. Longitudo 34-52 µm, latitudo 7-9 µm. Area axialis angusta linearisque. Area centralis late ovalis. Rectelevatum prominentiter adest. Raphe linearis uncis proximalibus late rotundatis separatisque. Extremitates proximales raphis usque ad margines valvae trans primam seriem areolarum extensae. Canalis longitudinalis habitu costae distinctae angustae. Striae transapicales leviter radiatae in media parte valvae ad paene parallellas ad polos. Striae centrales distantiores, manifeste radiatae. Striae, 12-15 in 10 µm ad centrum, 19-22 in 10µm ad polos. Duae puncta canalis adsunt.


New combination




Index Nominum Algarum (INA):

  • Original
  • New Combination
  • If an INA link is available, it will be shown above
  • The INA is a bibliographic reference "card file" for algal taxonomy, containing nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense).

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