Muelleria kristinae

Taxon ID: 98
Author: Van de Vijver & Spaulding 2009   
Basionym: Muelleria kristinae



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Observations: Bart Van de Vijver
Length: 11-25 µm
Width: 5.0-6.7 µm
Striae: 18-21 in 10 µm


Valves linear-lanceolate to lanceolate with parallel to convex margins and acutely rounded, to even cuneate apices. Valve length 11-25 µm, valve width 5.0-6.7 µm. Axial area linear to linear-lanceolate, moderately broad and only very slightly widening in the middle to form a rather inconspicuous central area with a small rectelevatum. Near the valve apices, the axial area widening markedly, a feature not always visible in LM. Striae rather coarse and only weakly radiate, 18-21 in 10 µm throughout the entire valve. No distinction between the striae bordering the central area and the other striae on the valve present. Externally, striae composed of very small, rounded areolae, arranged in only 2-4, rather distantly spaced rows. Areolae never apically nor transapically elongated. No canal puncta observed. Raphe branches straight with short, hooked central endings, never extending into the first row of areolae. In some valves, central endings clearly expanded. Distal raphe deflected near the valve margin onto the mantle and bifurcating at its terminus. Internally, areolae occluded by vela. Longitudinal canals quite indistinct becoming slightly rib-like distally terminating at the helictoglossae. Apart from the canal puncta, no perforations to the longitudinal canal observed.

Morphology: Naviculoid




Muelleria kristinae represents the smallest Muelleria species found to date. Other small Muelleria species include M. terrestris (Petersen) Spaulding & Stoermer (valve length 24-37 µm) and M. relicta (McCall) Reichardt (valve length 22-30 µm) (Spaulding & Stoermer 1997, Spaulding et al. 1999). However, based on striae structure and valve outline, these small species can be easily distinguished. M. kristinae is one of the few species that shows no difference in stria density, whereas both M. terrestris and M. relicta have clearly more distant striae near the central area. M. aequistriata shows a similar striation pattern but has a different valve outline and large valve dimensions.



Other sites with Muelleria kristinae

  • Deception island (soil), Deception Island

Original Type Description

Author: Van de Vijver & Spaulding 2009
Length: 11-25 µm
Width: 5.0-6.7 µm
Striae: 18-21 in 10 µm

Original Description:

Valvae lineares-lanceolatae ad lanceolatas marginibus parallellis ad convexos apicibusque acute rotundatis ad etiam cuneatos. Longitudo 11-25 µm, latitudo 5.0- 6.7 µm. Area axialis linearis ad linearem-lanceolatam, moderate lata, leviter dilatata in aream centralem inconspicuam rectelevato parvo. Area axialis dilatans prope apices. Striae transapicales potius grossae, 18-21 in 10 µm omnino. Areolae parvae, rotundatae, in seriebus duabus ad quattuor. Puncta canalis absunt. Rami raphis recti terminationibus proximalibus curtis et uncinatis. Terminationes distales deflexae ad marginem valvae, bifurcataeque.


New combination




Index Nominum Algarum (INA):

  • Original
  • New Combination
  • If an INA link is available, it will be shown above
  • The INA is a bibliographic reference "card file" for algal taxonomy, containing nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense).

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