Taxa Count Data

Accession Number: 2738  A
22 taxa counted (may include genus-only categories)


Header Info

Waterbody: Delta Stream
Location ID DEG Orange 1
Basin: Fryxell
Region: Taylor Valley
Collection Date: 2015-01-17
Collection Type: stream algal mat
Collector: Rob
Latitude: -77.6254989
Longitude: 163.1108019

Sample Notes:

Delta Gage, Orange 1, Rob Code = DL-O1, mg AFDM/cm2 = 56.35, ug chla/cm2 = 1.2

Analyst: Nicholas Schulte
Valves Counted: 300.00
Chrysophyte Cysts: no cysts

Count Notes:

Many long Luticola austroatlantica. Typical L. austroatlantica morphometry retained down to 10 ?m length. Luticola macknightiae commonly had very narrow, pinched ends relative to other L. macknightiae populations in other streams.



Includes all taxa (active, inactive, genus-level, species-level).
Click on a column header to re-sort the data.

Taxon Name Count % Valves/mg Count ID
Chamaepinnularia cymatopleura 1.75 0.58 15485
Fistulifera pelliculosa 2.00 0.67 15486
Hantzschia abundans 21.50 7.17 15487
Hantzschia amphioxys 46.00 15.33 15488
Hantzschia hyperaustralis 0.25 0.08 15489
Humidophila arcuata 0.75 0.25 15490
Humidophila australis 1.00 0.33 15491
Luticola austroatlantica 143.50 47.83 15492
Luticola dolia 4.25 1.42 15493
Luticola muticopsis fo. reducta 1.00 0.33 15494
Luticola gaussii 1.00 0.33 15495
Luticola laeta 18.50 6.17 15496
Luticola mcknightiae 13.75 4.58 15497
Luticola permuticopsis 21.50 7.17 15498
Mayamaea atomus 3.00 1.00 15499
Mayamaea atomus fo. permitis 3.00 1.00 15500
Mayamaea atomus var. #1 2.00 0.67 15501
Muelleria meridionalis 2.50 0.83 15502
Nitzschia australocommutata 8.00 2.67 15503
Nitzschia westiorum 1.00 0.33 15504
Stauroneis latistauros 3.25 1.08 15505
Marine diatom fragments 0.50 0.17 15506