Navicula venetiformis

Taxon ID: 292
Author: Van de Vijver & Beyens    



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Observations: Bart Van de Vijver
Length: 18-27µm
Width: 4,5-6µm
Striae: 16-18 striae in 10µm


Valves elliptical-lanceolate to broadly lanceolate in smaller individuals with bluntly rounded, not protracted ends (L 18-27, W 4,5-6µm, 16-18 striae in 10µm). Axial area very narrow, linear. Raphe filiform, straight with distinct central pores, close together. Central area transversely radial, asymmetrical due to irregularly shortened bordering striae. Transapical striae equally spaced, strongly radiate in the middle, convergent towards the poles. Lineolae distinctly visible in LM, 35 in 10µm.

Morphology: Naviculoid




Vallée de la Hébé, Ile de la Possession, Crozet Archipelago, Sample BA078 (coll. date 29/11/1999).So far only found in one soil sample taken from a steep hill next to the sea. Measured pH was 5,6 while the specific conductance value was rather high (1953µS/cm) and both phosphate (3,44mg/l) and ammonium (1,68mg/l) levels were also elevated.Only found on Ile de la Possession.



Other sites with Navicula venetiformis

  • Ile de la Possession (moist habitats), Crozet Archipelago

Original Type Description

Author: Van de Vijver & Beyens
Length: 18-27µm
Width: 4,5-6µm
Striae: 16-18 striae in 10µm

Original Description:

Valves elliptical-lanceolate to broadly lanceolate in smaller individuals with bluntly rounded, not protracted ends (L 18-27, W 4,5-6µm, 16-18 striae in 10µm). Axial area very narrow, linear. Raphe filiform, straight with distinct central pores, close together. Central area transversely radial, asymmetrical due to irregularly shortened bordering striae. Transapical striae equally spaced, strongly radiate in the middle, convergent towards the poles. Lineolae distinctly visible in LM, 35 in 10µm.


New combination




Index Nominum Algarum (INA):

  • Original
  • If an INA link is available, it will be shown above
  • The INA is a bibliographic reference "card file" for algal taxonomy, containing nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense).

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